Woods Gravity Wellness | Colonics Bondi

Welcome to Woods Gravity Wellness

Hello! I’m Billa, Creator of Woods Gravity Wellness.

I hope you have enjoyed reading up on all things Colonics! and health and wellness coaching on our site. 

My passion for the health and well being of others is no secret. Exploring my own self care journey has opened my eyes to a life of abundance. Doing what I love, every single day, has changed my world, a life I am grateful for and able to support others.

Being a Colon Therapist and Integrative Pharmacist, I have met so many kind souls who have given me the role of guiding them on their self care journey.

Woods Gravity Wellness is not just about colonics or one body part system. We believe that in order for one to live their best life, whatever that may look to you, it’s to incorporate each of your senses. We treat the body as a whole. Your MIND, your BODY, your SPIRIT, transcends into your health and wellbeing.

Colonics is not just a physical release. For many clients, it is also an emotional and spiritual release. Colon Hydrotherapy clears the way for restoring balance to ones life.

I have guided many individuals to a state of radiant health through the immense power of cleansing. I encourage you to explore the benefits of colon hydrotherapy to all who seek enhanced wellbeing from the inside out.

I know that ongoing support and being present for my clients is important in encouraging good habit forming behaviours.  Exploring systems that work for you, will allow for such transformational change to take place.  

Incorporating colonics into your self-care plan takes commitment, kindness and compassion for yourself. 

My role is to support you, be present for you and hold space for you – to activate your own exclusive self-healing capacity, to give you everything you need to live a THRIVING life.

We cannot wait to welcome you